Awanas is focused on scripture memory. Which gets me thinking about our commitment to the Word of God. As a child I remember being told the importance and taught the reverence for the Word. I was challenged to memorize verses and even chapters. I was asked to repeat the stories and poems. But now as an adult, no one asks me to do these things. When I teach the youth or share the Gospel with other, those things come in to play. Yet these are not imposed from an external force. In fact there is a message that says - I need not worry about such petty things. Even more so - the Bible is about me, my feelings, and improving me.

By now your brain should be saying "uh...NO!". Scripture is God's story. Scripture is God's love given for me, but it's not about me. It's about Christ. It's about the Father. It's about the Spirit. It's about sacrifice, patience, waiting, creation, movement, beauty, and love. No one will be giving us stickers for memorizing the scriptures this week, but perhaps it will stick on our hearts. No one will give us a gold star, but perhaps we will realize the treasure that is scripture. No one will pat us on the back, but perhaps we will realize the embrace of God.