Welcome to the blog. I am Zach. I'll be your host.

I am a youth pastor, sinner-saint, redeemed loser, husband, son, father, basketball fan, avid reader, gen-Xer, blogger, guitar player, movie lover, child-of-the-grunge-era, armchair theologian, and all around goofy guy.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is going on here?

Obviously it's hard to get back into writing when you take the summer off. Got to keep the momentum together. Here are some simple thoughts for the day.

Has God ever led you into the wilderness? I am not referring to the physical wilderness but the spiritual wilderness. What was it like there? What did God desire to teach you? Were you ready? Did you listen? Are you still there?

I feel like God leads me there every time I begin to feel comfortable. Any little stretch of rest seems like only a preparation for my next wilderness experience. Perhaps this is the only way for God to fully get my attention. Am I that stubborn and thick headed? Ya well probably.

Where are you in your spiritual journey today? A desert? An oasis? A plateau? An ocean?
