Welcome to the blog. I am Zach. I'll be your host.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I have a question that might help us - What is awe? What inspires, shocks, gives greater meaning, knocks us off our feet, grabs us, throws us into the sacred?
The experience of the shepherds in the fields...awe
God speaking life into existance...awe
David taking on a giant...awe
Paul giving thanks from a jail cell...awe
A sunrise, a sunset, a quiet moment, a prayer, a moment of peace, a hug...awe
What is your moment of awe? God is the originator of all this. Looking back in your life, when you see the amazing above the mundane, there God is.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
So I have to ask, why? Why do we do any of these things? There is only one reason - Christ.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008
The Reeds
My friend Brad died when his car jumped the median on I-5 south of Portland. He was young.

This loss struck me differently than others. I am poor at dealing with loss. I keep it all inside until it comes out as anger or fear. In I way I wish I was better at dealing with loss...in a way I'm not. I kept the loss bottled up inside of me all summer while working at camp.
One night when the sky was clear and the moon was nearly full, I walked down to this little wood bridge that went over a stream. Looking at the water flowing below me I just had this sense of how quickly life just rushes past. I began to cry for Brad, for everyone I had lost, for all the past hurt in my life.Through my tears I noticed these reeds right near the water. Just barely moving in the wind. I felt like God was trying to show me something. Here was this reed, just being, just peaceful as the stream continued to flow by. It was though God was there, just in the whisper, letting me know that everything would be ok.
Will you see the reeds?
Or loose yourself in the tears?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Goodbye Coffee Shop