Today I went to the office for a while, then to lunch with Mike Matson to plan out the upcoming flag football/bbq event. After that I thought I will go to my favorite coffee shop - Espresso Italia

and then I will plan out youth group and work on the youth led worship. I pulled into a spot right outside the front door. Always feels good. Strutting my way to the door, I can almost taste my delishous hazelnut latte. I nod at a lady who is making her way to Fitness 19. Then I pull on the door handle expecting it to give way to warmth and java. But it doesn't budge. The door is locked. I look up and realize - it's gone! Just like that. Vanished. No warning. I am bummed. I have ventured over to this place called The Perks of Life, but you know it's just not the same.
Change...all around us, all the time. We pretend like it isn't. But we are in a constant state of loss and discovery. Pehaps this is part of the beauty of life. However I often find myslef so caught up in loss that I forget to discover.

Jesus talked about discover often. He seemed to know that the mysteries and suprizes in life are often what make it worth while. He turned water into wine, raised people from the dead, fed 1000's with little, cried, crept away into the hills to pray, went sailing, flipped over tables, and gave what no one else could.
What will you discover today?
How will God suprize you? Are you listening? Are you looking?
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