In times of faith struggle - Straylight Run: For the Best
and U2: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
When everything thing seems to be a jumbled mess in my head - Audioslave: Doesn't Remind Me
Trying to start over after messing up - Augustana: Boston
Depression - any song by Jakob Dylan or the Wallflowers
Today I would say two songs- The Beatles: Let It Be
I am the king of worry. There are none that parallel my prowess when it comes to anxiety. God knows this about me. In fact He is probably amused by the lengths that I will go to obsess over a simple issue. Yet He is there always saying "let it be", for He is in control. Sometimes I feel pretty small for the way I don't trust. So thanks to John, Paul, George and Ringo for reminding me that I don't have to be big because God is.Straylight Run: Your Name (Sunrise Highway)

This is a song about direction. I want to pretend that I have it all together, as though I have arrived. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have so much growing to do. Standing in the face of change is scary. You look at past mistakes and think "well it's not my fault because _________". Then the longer you look, the more you realize that it is your fault and you need to change. Everything about us resists change and growth. Look at Jonah, Moses, Abraham, and countless other reluctant leaders in scripture. Excuses, resistance, reasons, cop outs, whatever it takes.
What is your soundtrack?
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